Why was the driver fined 500 yuan for driving away the "shared car" and returning to the parking spot?


Why was the driver fined 500 yuan for driving away the "shared car" and returning to the parking spot?

  Oriental Network reporter Li Huan and correspondent Cai Chanjing reported on October 30: The driver drove the "shared car" home from the roadside and returned to the parking spot. Why was he finally fined 500 yuan by the police for "stealing other people’s motor vehicles"? It turned out that although the car he drove looked no different from ordinary shared cars, it was an employee-only car that could not be found on the APP and was not leased to the outside world!

  At 9:00 on October 14, Baoshan Qilian Police Station received a 110 alarm. The person who called the alarm was Mr. Wang, a staff member of a shared car company. Mr. Wang said that a shared car used by employees in the underground garage of a large supermarket in the Qilian area of their company was missing. According to Mr. Wang, although the company’s employee-only car is parked in the same area as the general leased shared car, and there is no difference in appearance, users cannot find the car from the APP, nor can they open the door through the APP like ordinary rental vehicles. The police immediately launched an investigation and found that two people riding electric scooters entered the underground garage one after another in the early morning of October 13, and drove a car out of the garage shortly after. The characteristics of the vehicle were consistent with the information provided by Mr. Wang.

  Therefore, the police continued to track the driver of the vehicle, and with the assistance of the driving company, on October 16, the police arrested Miao in Caolu Town, Pudong, who was taking orders for driving.

  "I really didn’t steal it! I just wanted to go home, and I specially returned the car to the parking spot! This is also illegal?" In the face of the police’s inquiry, Miao tried to defend himself.

  Miao said that late at night on October 13, he received a driver’s order from Pudong to Gubei Road in Baoshan. After arriving in Baoshan, it was nearly early in the morning, and there were no buses or subways. As a driver, when encountering such a situation, he usually chooses to rent a shared car to go home. Therefore, through APP search, Miao found a shared car in the underground parking garage of a hypermarket in the Qilian area of Baoshan. When he arrived, he found that the tire of the vehicle was damaged and could not be used. At this time, a driver who also found the parking spot with him came. When the two were at a loss, Miao saw a shared car parked next to them. But the strange thing was that the car was not displayed on the APP, so Miao went forward to check and tried to open the front and rear doors of the car, but the door was really opened by him. After entering the car, Miao found that the car key was in the car, so he drove the car with another colleague and left. After returning to his place of residence, he returned the car to a nearby parking spot.

  In an interview with the Oriental Network reporter, the undertaker said that stealing other people’s motor vehicles is not for the purpose of illegal possession. Although it is essentially different from stealing other people’s motor vehicles, Miao has subjectively realized that it is not a normal foreign lease when using the shared car, and finally objectively did not start and pay the normal lease fee. According to the Law of the People’s Republic of China on Public Security Administration Penalties, stealing other people’s motor vehicles is subject to corresponding administrative penalties.

  Finally, according to the first paragraph of Article 64 of the Public Security Administration Punishment Law, the Baoshan police imposed a fine of 500 yuan on Miao for stealing another person’s motor vehicle.

  The police particularly reminded that whether it is a company or an individual vehicle, it is necessary to pay attention to safety precautions. After leaving the car, remember to lock the door and pull out the key to avoid unnecessary losses.


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