Ele.me pushes new gameplay for free, and the merchant’s business ushers in a new opportunity of "jumping"


Ele.me pushes new gameplay for free, and the merchant’s business ushers in a new opportunity of "jumping"

  Consumer trends are constantly changing. How can catering businesses create a new springboard for business?

  After this summer’s "Ele.me Free Order" event, Ele.me has refreshed the winter free order event again after more than three months.

  On December 18th, Ele.me announced that from now until December 24th, it will officially launch the "Jump and Win Free Order" activity: the winter "Jump and Win Free Order" is upgraded from the summer "Guessing Answers Free Order". In terms of gameplay, "Jump and Win Free Order" is more direct than "Guessing Answers Free Order". Users can win free orders as long as they operate accurately and grasp the rhythm of the game.

  It is reported that more than 20 well-known brand merchants have participated in the Ele.me free-order special event. Among them, many brands including 1 Dian Dian have further "turned" into title merchants, and the degree of brand participation has deepened again. At the same time, the exclusive exposure rights and business growth obtained by title brands have also expanded from the past special venues to the entire Ele.me domain and beyond, bringing new opportunities for many brands to "take off" in winter business.

  01. The new gameplay is more interesting and direct

  According to the rules of the game, from 10 o’clock every day, users only need to search for "free order" on the Ele.me App to participate in the jumping game. During the event, Ele.me free coupons are issued in limited quantities every day, on a first-come, first-served basis. When you jump to the 9th, 19th, and 39th squares, you have the opportunity to win the corresponding amount of free coupons. Each person can get up to 9 yuan, 19 yuan, and 39 yuan free coupons each day.

  From the rules, each user can get up to 3 game opportunities per day, but if the opportunities are exhausted, they can also get additional game times by completing tasks such as browsing, placing orders, subscribing, answering questions, and assisting. It is worth mentioning that after the challenge fails, users can also get resurrection opportunities through the exchange of foodie beans, etc., up to 1 resurrection per day.

  It is understood that once the event was launched, it attracted the interest of a large number of young users. According to public reports, a total of 300,000 free coupons were issued on the first day. The event started only 1 hour ago, and 60,000 consumers have received free coupons.

  Judging from social platforms such as Weibo and Xiaohongshu, there are many "loyal fans" of Ele.me free-order activities.

  Ran Ran, a consumer born in the 1990s, said that this was the third time he had participated in the Ele.me free order, and he was an old fan. "Since last summer, he has participated in the Ele.me guessing answer free order, and he has obtained six free orders. I have been looking forward to the free order activity this winter for a long time, and I have already obtained a 19 yuan free order coupon." Ran Ran said.

  02. The topic trendiness brings the order peak growth

  In fact, Ele.me free of charge as a platform activity IP has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

  The free-order gameplay of Ele.me can be traced back to last summer. In the environment of declining consumption, how not to increase the investment burden of merchants, but also to drive merchants to leverage traffic dividends to promote business recovery on the merchant side, is the background of Ele.me’s launch of "free-order" activities.

  The data provided by Ele.me shows that this summer’s Ele.me free-order activity has more than 40 million people participating in Ele.me free-order answering questions. At the same time, more than 1.50 million merchants participated in the free-order activity, which is 2.5 times that of last year. In the Ele.me free-order special activity, the brand ushered in the concentrated outbreak of takeaway orders, and some brands harvested more than 200% growth in turnover.

  Some merchants said that Ele.me’s activities have solved the current dilemma of catering enterprises to a certain extent. The current consumption environment is weak, and the competition pressure of catering brands is high. Through Ele.me’s free-order activities, more exposure has been added to catering enterprises. It can be said that enterprises have truly felt the benefits of "small activities" and "big profits".

  It is understood that in this winter’s Ele.me free-order event, while merchants provide exclusive free-order places to benefit consumers, Ele.me free-order special has also become a new "lever" in brand marketing activities, driving the overall business of the brand to grow significantly.

  For example, in the case of cooling down on Monday, December 18 and snow in many places across the country, the national performance of the Ele.me platform at 1 o’clock increased by more than 20%.

  Located in Beijing’s Daxing District, the staff of 1 Dian Dian store said that the number of takeaway orders ushered in explosive growth on the day of Ele.me free order, and the store’s takeaway prompt tone "Ele.me has a new order" has not stopped. The staff in our store basically do not stop, and cups of milk tea have been taken away by the takeaway brother one after another.

  03. A "new springboard" for food delivery business growth

  From this upgrade of the new free-order gameplay of Ele.me, while considering the needs of consumers, Ele.me has also fully considered how to better expose merchants, plant grass, and promote transformation, so as to help merchants grow through a multi-pronged approach.

  It can be seen from the current online netizens posting pictures that in addition to the title position of the Ele.me free-order activity, the game page also brings diverse and full exposure to the merchants through the design icons tailor-made for the merchants and the special project red envelope coupons after the task is achieved.

  For example, by browsing the 1-point store and placing an order at 1-point can also bring more game opportunities to consumers. As a popular IP activity with a full mind, Ele.me free order, on the day the new gameplay was launched, it drove "1-point" merchants to rush to the hot search together, bringing in addition to Ele.me in-app, a wider range of users and consumers’ attention.

  "We hope to bring the joy of free shopping to more users through easier gameplay and more participation opportunities," said the Ele.me free shopping project team. "By deeply binding with brand merchants to carry out gameplay and marketing innovation, we hope to continue to expand the extension of free shopping IP, bringing the possibility of new growth for brand merchants."

  It can be seen that the Ele.me free-order activity is not only a signature label of Ele.me, but also the "free-order" topic trendiness of Ele.me. Since the launch of the Ele.me free-order activity last summer, the Weibo entry "Ele.me free-order" topic shows that the cumulative reading volume has reached 8.76 billion, the discussion volume has 2.334 million, and the activity volume has 5.182 million.

  Some industry experts say that through the Ele.me free-order event, merchants have a more obvious perception of the traffic conversion of new products, explosive products, and main products. In the brand free-order special event, Ele.me does joint marketing and promotion with brands, which not only boosts the confidence of merchants in their own platform management, but also has a positive impact on building brand market awareness.

Author: Red Food Network Hong Jun

Note: This article belongs to the catering industry information published on the Central Broadcasting Network. The content of the article does not represent the views of this website and is for reference only.


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