According to foreign reports, the Paris Zoo welcomed a white rhinoceros that day.

This is a white rhinoceros shot at the Paris Zoo in France on March 2nd. Xinhua News Agency/AFP

This is a white rhinoceros shot at the Paris Zoo in France on March 2nd. Xinhua News Agency/AFP

This is a white rhinoceros shot at the Paris Zoo in France on March 2nd. Xinhua News Agency/AFP

This is a white rhinoceros shot at the Paris Zoo in France on March 2nd. Xinhua News Agency/AFP

This is a white rhinoceros shot at the Paris Zoo in France on March 2nd. Xinhua News Agency/AFP

This is a white rhinoceros shot at the Paris Zoo in France on March 2nd. Xinhua News Agency/AFP

This is a white rhinoceros shot at the Paris Zoo in France on March 2nd. Xinhua News Agency/AFP

On March 2, at the Paris Zoo in France, the staff transferred the cage with white rhinoceros. Xinhua News Agency/AFP

On March 2, at the Paris Zoo in France, the staff transferred the cage with white rhinoceros. Xinhua News Agency/AFP

This is a cage with a white rhinoceros, which was photographed at the Paris Zoo in France on March 2nd. Xinhua News Agency/AFP
(Source: Xinhua News Agency)
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